Monday, June 13, 2005


This will be a continually updated post, I think. As new phrases pop into my mind, that taken out of context could be funny. Not "taken out of context" like Prince Harry dressing up as a Nazi, but real things taken out of context.

I am addicted to a game called World of Warcraft, I suppose many of these idle thoughts will come from things I have thought whilst playing. Just for the h-e-double hockey sticks of it I will number them as well, and put the date when they were posted. Add your own and join in the fun!!! Yippee, huzzah, hooray, woot! Having a good time already, eh? In reality, this will really only amuse me, and since I make up over 95% of the readership, that is a good satisfaction rate.

1. "Hmm, if I kill those creatures over there, I could then use their fire to cook some food." June 11th, 2005 - Added By Me

2. "The best way to support paralyzed verterans is by using them!" June 14, 2005 - Added By Sister #2

3. "Ummm, you mean people actually read what I post on the internet?" June 15, 2005 - Added By Me

4. "Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing." June 22, 2005 - Dave Barry

1 comment:

Adiel said...

" The best way to support paralyzed veterans is by using them!"

I really enjoyed this one.
Now the other 5% of your readership is happy, too.