Beware! A certain Mr. Greene has created a devious trap for your computer! I was innocently reading his blog on my computer and I tried to leave. No such luck, I was unable! I desperately attempted to close the browser window, but it was too late! My precious machine froze in fear and would do nothing!
Stay far away from this evil man, far far away. You have been warned.
I have noticed that some people have kindly linked to my blog. Some of those people though have done me the great injustice of treating this as J's blog. I DON'T TALK IN ITALICS! IT IS MY BLOG, MINE!
Please, it also is not merely "Fritz," do me the honor of a full name, "Fritz the Grand" is what I answer to, at least to yokels like yourselves.
By the way, please call me Mr. Grand when you address me, thanks.
Créez une communauté digne de ce nom en profitant des avantages d’un
serveur privé Minecraft !
Voilà quelques années que le jeu Minecraft fascine des millions de joueurs
à travers le monde. Effectivement, il s’agit d’un top Game réunissant les
6 days ago
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