Well, I successfully made it through my first "oops" in blogging. Clear sailing from here on, right?
*Please Lord, make it so*
So what is next? I wrote nothing for a while, then this all came spilling out. I have learned that when the dam breaks, you can't dam it back up again, the dam is undamable.....dammit.
*Wow, I could see that coming from a mile away, you are so pathetic*
Hey, shut up.
Anyway, I can't seem to think of want to write about, I seriously thought about giving this up.
*And deprive the world, at least your five readers, from your, uh, wisdom?*
Look, they knew what they were getting into, if you want wisdom read one of these:
High Holy Guy
Just ignore the bad photograph of the H.H.G.
Problems are for Solving
The Bible
I'm here to rant about nothing and see if people hate me. This should really be called "Problems are for Kvetching About."
The good news is that I learned something about myself, I walked up to the person I wronged, and showed him what I did, and apologized for it. He didn't even know about the wrong until I pointed it out. I must have grown spiritually.
*Errm, it was actually me who had to go to my Brother, swallowing my bile and fear and ask for forgiveness for what you wrote. So I guess it was me that grew, not you.*
Bah! You should thank me then. Was penance exacted?
*No. I'm not good at going to those I wronged and asking for forgiveness, but thankfully he was gentle and was very willing to forgive. I learned something about forgiveness today too. When we have been wronged it is vital that we show grace and mercy to that person, just as Christ does for us.*
Good, so all he made you do was take down the post?
*No, I did that on my own. Even with the changes I made it still seemed to cast him in a bad light. All of us have sins to deal with, being a generous person is not one of his, far from it.*
*Are we done yet? I get all icky feeling inside when I have to talk about feelings and whatnot.*
Fine. Go ahead, I'll just hang out here a while by myself---
*NO! Not after what happened last time, you are on a short leash, Fritz! You know, maybe we should end with some lyrics from a song. Maybe "The Hard Way" by DC Talk. It perfectly describes what happen--*
No way. Song lyrics in posts are so overdone. I'm trying to be unique here!
*Sure, and this is the first blog on the internet then?*
La la la la, not listening!
*Whatever, I'm done for now, I'm off to slay evil orcs in Warcraft.*
Hehe, how cute. You have such an overactive imagination, where will it end?
*You are aware that you don't really exist right? You are a product of my "overactive imagination."*
Whatever, I'm not the one talking in italics, now go away. And no lyrics, this is MY blog, we will end it how I like. Just like this.
L’art caché des polices : réinvention numérique de la typographie moderne
Parfois, une simple apparence peut transformer l’ensemble d’un message et
créer une symphonie visuelle qui capte l’attention malgré la concurrence
1 day ago
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