Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Nude Girls!!

At the end of this post there is a link to pictures of naked women. All you have to do is read what I am going to say. No zoning out, no skimming, no sleeping, and no scrolling to the end. Well, I guess I have no real way to keep you from doing that, so I’ll just have to ask nicely.

Please read what I typed. I laboriously typed out some excellent thoughts to try and convince you of my way of thinking.

Ummm….yeah, the nude girls were just a way to get you in the doors. But the ends do justify the means, right? See, I got you to read one post, maybe then you will come back and read others! Maybe those people will tell others about my blog, and the nude girls of course, and they will stop by once, maybe they will stay as well! Then I will have many people reading my blog, people who have been convinced that I am right, people who will suddenly believe as I do, just because they are reading my blog!

Now sure, I had to bend my conscience a bit, I had to muffle its cries while I hunted through the internet (while at work) looking for pictures of naked women, but God will forgive me I’m sure, especially when He sees that I’m doing it for Him!

In fact, I bet that He will reward me for this. He will overlook the sin, and reward my intentions. Maybe I’ll even set up a Paypal donations button and give all the money to an orphanage.

This will be a great idea, lure people in to the blog with the promise of something they want, then make them have to listen to a prepared speech about something else, kind of like a timeshare thing.

I sure hope churches don’t think of doing this though.


As promised, here is the link: All Nude!!

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

Fritz, you are either very brave or incredibly stupid. If you let Jonathan read these comments please tell him that I thought it was interesting and oh, what was the phrase he used? I can't remember. Tell him I thought it was somewhere between "Wow, that was earthshattering" and "That was really good".
What percentage of your readership am I?