Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Day 6

I had a non-normal day yesterday and forgot to do my readings....well, I actually remembered but that was at 1:00 a.m. at the Walgreen's pharmacy waiting for Wife #1's prescription which was not valid until 2/28 so I went at midnight to get it.

There was one customer at the pharmacy (me) so I can't seem to figure out why it took so long...


I used the bike for over 20 minutes at my normal settings, usually I would have burned 250+ calories in that time. But the meter must have been broken since it only registered 170 at that point.

I looked at the guy's meter next to me and he had his bike:

a) set on lower settings
b) going at a slower speed
c) had not been there as long as me

Yet his meter was showing more calories burned, so I'm pretty sure my bike was messed up last night, either that or I was just doing something wrong.

So to sum up, I'll read two passages tonight to make up for not doing it yesterday and I will try to grab a different bike tonight for sure.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day 5


Chapters 20, 21, & 22

Monday, February 26, 2007

Day 4

Apparently I need to be held accountable about being accountable.

Anyway, yes I went to the gym and yes I read my chapters.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day 3

Calories: 320
Chapters: Genesis 7 - 9

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

May I Borrow Some Money?

No real reason.....

Day 2

Calories: 250 in 20 minutes. Don't know what my heart rate was but it was good, was elevated still after changing and walking out to the car.

Chapters: Genesis 4 - 6. Mostly just genealogies. Fun fact! The flood occurred 1700ish years after Creation. About the same amount of time from the death of Christ to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Adam was alive for over half that time.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day 1

Calories Burned: 230
Chapters Read: Genesis 1 - 3

The first few days will be the easy ones, I'm sure about Thursday I'm not going to want to go to the gym again ever....but I will persevere!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Grapes of Wrath

Apparently this is what occurs when you cut a grape in half and put in in the microwave.

One of These Days....

I would love to make it here.

It will all make sense by the end of the first page.


Yesterday I heard the best sermon I have heard in over two years. You can download and listen to it here:

New Life Christian Church

Select the sermon entitled "Dangerous Prayers."

As I listen to it again it appear that it is about at the 13 minute mark where he really hits his stride and I start feeling incredibly convicted and indebted.

Friday, February 16, 2007


So a while ago I installed this program on my computer from xxxchurch which just tracks what websites I go to and if warning flags pop up on one, such as if I go to Playcow, it emails it over to Wife #1. It is called accountability software and it is designed to help combat temptation.

I thought maybe I could put this idea to use in more ways than one. I will be accountable to all you, my faithful readers regarding two things:

1) I will go to the gym each night Monday through Friday and burn at least 250 calories on an exercise bike. This would give me an additional 1000 calories burned each week. One caveat, on Tuesdays I play racquetball so that definitely counts as one of the times.

2) I will read 3 chapters from the Bible each night, starting in Genesis and working my way through the whole thing.

Each Tuesday though Friday I will post and let you know how I did. This way even when I don't feel like going to the gym, or reading the Bible to be honest, I know I will have to post about it the next day and it will keep me motivated.

Let's see how it goes!

*Hey, you do know that you have to click the publish button at some time, right? You can't keep this as a draft forever.*

Yes, I can.......

Blue Like Jazz

I started reading a book by Donald Miller called Blue Like Jazz yesterday. So far it is some guy's story about coming to grips with God being a Father. The author didn't have a father growing up and the whole concept was foreign to him.

The book is filled with good lines and phrases, I'm only 30 pages into the book but one that really caught my attention so far was:

"When you are a writer and a speaker you aren't supposed to watch television. It's shallow. I feel guilty because for a long time I didn't allow myself a television, and I used to drop that fact in conversation to impress people. I thought it made me sound dignified.

A couple of years ago, however, I visited a church in the suburbs, and there was this blow hard preacher talking about how television rots your brain. He said that when we watch television our brains work no harder than when we are sleeping. I thought that sounded heavenly. I bought one that afternoon."

Now it isn't all just witty and fun, a good chunk of the book so far is looking at himself and seeing himself for what he is, a disgusting, selfish, no good human.

After protesting President Bush (the first) in Portland he had this realization:

"The thing I realized on the day we protested...was that it did me no good to protest America's responsibility on global poverty when I wasn't even giving money to my church."

I'll keep you all updated on how the book progresses.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snowblower? Really?

So we get snow here twice a year. On average. Sometimes less. Yet, every time it snows everyone in my neighborhood gets his snowblower out to clear his driveway. Never do they clear their sidewalks, just the driveway.

And for this they all own snowblowers, taking up space in their garages. I sure hope they didn't buy these with a payment plan, Imagine paying interest on something that gets used twice a year. I wonder, do they tune-up their snowblowers each year? It seems like such a waste. I drove around my neighborhood yesterday and saw that just about every driveway was cleared and the tell-tale signs of snowblower usage was evident in all of them.

Do they wait impatiently, hoping for a chance to clear snow from their driveways? And why do they never clear their sidewalks?

The whole thing makes no sense to me.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It is a Baby!!!

Sister #2 just gave birth to Child #3. Another girl.

Score in Sister #2's household:

Girls 2
Boys 1


Monday, February 05, 2007

My Favorite Commercials from the Super Bowl

You can see it coming in this commercial, but it still makes me laugh....

This one has a very good last line.

One of those zany weird it definitely makes my list.

There was a whole series of these commercials. This one is my favorite of the bunch.

This one is my favorite, the geek in me just loved I'm sure that Brother #1 will love it too :)