Monday, August 22, 2005

Taking a Stand

As I have grown older I have come to realize that I can no longer be so wishy washy about some subjects. I need to take a stand on things that are important to myself and others. I need to hold tightly to principals that I value.

I’m not so sure their wives would like that so much. It would make it difficult to sleep.

The time has come for me to take a stand. There are issues in the world that are highly divisive, there are subjects that turn brother against brother, husband against wife, and sister against nephew.

That is why I am starting an online petition to urge the government to put a ban on trees falling on people’s houses! This has gone on for too long! The uncaringness exhibited by the politicians is too much. We must force them to do something about this issue. We send them over 60% of our money, so why can’t they stop trees from falling on houses?

You might wonder why this issue is so important to me. Well, I have had a life changing experience over the weekend. A tree just missed falling on my house. The shock and anger I felt that in America a tree would dare to attempt to damage my house, IN AMERICA, was too much. So please sign my online petition and make the politicians see that this issue is important to Americans from all walks of life, from the less rich people to the more rich people, from the whiners to the complainers, from the “I wish I were a minority” to the “I used to be a minority” people! Please sign!


1 comment:

greenemama said...

this is seriously hilarious.