Monday, August 15, 2005

The CPA – Interlude - Ramblings

Well, I think that I’ll keep from using any potty mouth language in the following posts. While I wanted you, the reader, to truly understand how abusive the language directed at me truly was, after I re-read what I had written, it just seemed out of place in a family friendly blog. I just don’t really like using that language and I don’t think I want that language on my blog.

So while I’m not going to delete the post, I hereby promise to not use foul language in my blog again. I hope I didn’t drive any readers away by the choice to have that language in the post.

*Why is it that I am such a happy go lucky guy, yet my alter ego posts about serious stuff all the time? What up with that?*

It is a curse.

*I’m curious which of your fine posts the readers found most enjoyable; it might give you some direction.*

Err, why should I really care what the readers like? Do I get paid per hit? What is in it for me?

*Please, you love the adoration of people, you love it when someone says, “Good post! It made me laugh/cry/go to the bathroom easier.”*

Very true. So people, dear readers who love and admire me, not to mention envy me, what was your favorite post? Would you like more posts about the cats? Would you like more fiction such as Ahhh, the Power of Cheese? What do you want? I just might listen!

*My favorites are Gratuitous Furity and The CPA – Part I.*

You don’t get a vote you dope. If it were up to you there would be song lyrics in every post. You would talk about your dorky, idiotic, hobbies. You would kvetch about how little respect you get. About how awesome your fantasy baseball team is doing. You would have me do an in-depth look at “Da Da Da!” You would destroy all that I have worked so hard to create! Now go away!

Can’t end on that note of anger and bitterness……what to do……

Awww, how cute!


1 comment:

a pain in the back said...

Cue the crickets....