Sunday, February 10, 2008


We just got back from having to put Merlin to sleep tonight.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Jonathan, I'm very sorry to hear of the loss to your household! I know that your cats are very special to you and Carrie. I hope that you all, including your remaining cats, will adjust quickly and not be too saddened by Merlin's death.

Gabrielle said...

I'm so sorry, Jonathan. That sounds very, very hard. I second Jeremy's hopes for ya'll.

Seth Ben-Ezra said...

Ouch. I'm so sorry, Jonathan.

Adiel said...

Oh,that's terrible, Jonathan. Nothing can replace Merlin in your heart or your home. This is yet one more moment of our lives where death is present. Someday there will be no more goodbyes. When Jesus comes back even cats will be saved from sickness and death. I hope that day is soon.
We're mourning with you, Jonathan and Carrie.