Recently I posted a post of such brilliance and wonder that all who read it were amazed...all except for one person who chose to remain anonymous and post comments filled with grammatical errors and mispellings. Since this induhvidual chose to not name himself, I will supply a name: Pid Pid.
Pid Pid:
I have a question?
If priests proclaim the marriage union and its great and God's plan for men and women to procreate, then...why can't priests marry?
The hypocracy starts within
Absolutely, I'm sure glad I'm not a Catholic.
I don't see at all what bearing this has on the post though. Could you enlighten me?
Pid Pid:
First sentence.
Pid Pid:
enlighten-your must seek the light my friend.
Sigh, I never thought the day would come that I would defend the Catholic church, but here goes.
Paul states that it is better for a preacher to be single like he was in order to devote all of his time to God and the study of Christ.
The Catholic church in its infinite foolishness took this a few steps...and a jump...and a skip...too far and declared that none of of the priets can be married after they put on the collar of doom.
There is no hypocrisy (please note the spelling) involved since to be a hypocrite is to say one thing and do another, the Catholic church has declared that their priests are married to the church, but all the other Catholics should go forth and multiply. There is abolutely no hypocrisy here at all, just large amounts of stupidity.
The post also wasn't even debating whether or not sinners go to church, we all freely admit that, it is the fool who thinks that he is better than we are standing outside pointing at "hypocracy" (sic) not understanding grace at all.
So, please, tell me what your comment has to do with the actual post or just go away.
Thanks for reading!
****Silence for a few days****
Pid Pid:
your an ass bag
Pid Pid:
This blog sucks anyway, I only stopped by here because the blog about midget clowns was giving me an error page.
So, you can see the normal progression of an anonymous internet blog poster.
1). Make wild and moronic statements that only slightly tie in to the original post
2). When queried about said wild and moronic statements, act as if the other person is dumb
3). When show how wild and moronic your statements are, reply with an insult
4). Then proclaim how dumb the person who refuted your wild and moronic statements is
5). Proclaim your undying love for midget clowns
You could add one more thing to the list, throughout the entire conversation, show your poor grammar skills and inability to spell.
Well, I just have to end on this:
Pid Pid:
This blog sucks anyway, I only stopped by here because the blog about midget clowns was giving me an error page.
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1 week ago
I like the name, too. Ah, inside humor!
Please let me know if Pid Pid ever reveals his true identity. Christmas is nearly here, and I may have an extra dictionary that I'd send him. Grant it, the dictionary wouldn't be as exciting as midget clowns, but it's the thought that counts.
Is an "ass bag" one of those little deals that senior citizens and the developmentally disabled carry their change in?
Oh yeah, speaking of dictionaries, one of my favorites is the online Oxford English Dictionary. I looked up the etymology of "ass bag," and it seems that it's a term for the amniotic sac a baby donkey is born in.
Being that Pid Pid seems to be quite the jackass, it's fitting that he would resort to the terms he knows best.
Something tells me he doesn't use the OED.
Uh, I hate to bring this really...but...well...Jonathan...ya have a typo in your post... ;-)
I don't spaz out about typos :) Merely blatant mispellings and adding "'s" to pluralize nouns.
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