Monday, June 26, 2006

The TP Problem

I had some friends over to my house on Friday to play some games and whatnot, it was a good time but more importantly, I got the house all clean again. I vacuumed, picked up, hid junk in closets, the works.

But I ran into a problem, a toilet paper problem. The roll that was out was mostly used up. I didn't want someone to use the restroom and run out of paper at an inopportune moment. I also didn't want to have a spare roll of toilet paper sitting out in the open.... how tacky.

*And the curtains just were not going with the carpet...*

So what do. The simple solution would of course be to throw out the mostly used roll and put a new one out, but that is where my Jewish heritage rose up and would not allow me to throw out something useful. But having a mostly empty roll of toilet paper sitting in the open is infinitely more tacky than a new one.

Solution: I hid the almost empty roll in the bedroom until the guests had left.

*Let me apologize for having wasted 5 minutes of your life. Sorry, no refunds though.*


Seth Ben-Ezra said...

This is exactly why we read this blog.

Adiel said...

I've experienced the same dilemma! Hmm... maybe we should start a support group.

Raquel said...

See, I can sympathize with the dilemma, except that I would have just set out a new roll. I had no idea this would be considered so gauche. Clearly, Miss Manners has failed me.

Barb said...

I would (and have) replaced the roll and put the almost empty roll on my night stand to be used as Kleenex substitute. TP is especially effective during allergy season.

dlr said...

you owe me five...

Anonymous said...

I use to hide things in my bathtub with the curtain closed when company came to my apartment in Austria. I had no closets what-so-ever to put things in.