Monday, June 12, 2006

High Gas Prices

I am so sick and tired of paying these outrageous gas prices. The other day I saw that the price of gas near where I live had dropped, (DROPPED!!) to $2.85 per gallon. $2.85 per gallon! Those fat, rich oil companies keep getting greedier and greedier! It seems to me that making us hard-working Americans pay $2.85 per gallon of gas is virtually a crime against humanity!

A child in the Darfur region had his face bashed in, presumably with a rifle butt during a massacre in Hamada.

Let’s do some math here. If and average car gets 20 miles per gallon and drives 15,000 miles per year, you will use 750 gallons of fuel per year. Now, we were ok when gas was $2.00 per gallon, but let’s see what that .85 per gallon hike costs us!

Darfur Child Starving

$562.50! That is right, it costs us $562.50 per year! That is $46.88 per month! How do these bigwigs expect us to pay that! There are bleeding us dry! They are killing our retirement funds!

How are we supposed to go on living like this?

Another Darfur Child

It is time we stand up for ourselves! It is time we demand that the government protect us from the evils of high gas prices! This is the greatest crisis we have ever faced. And the politicians do nothing about it.

Time for action!

This man was castrated before he was shot in the head

If we send our politicians an email a day, maybe we will get through. Maybe we will move them to action to protect us from disaster. Please everyone, I beg of you, email your congressman, send letters to your senator…hurry, before it is too late.

My goodness we whine a lot.



Adiel said...

I wish I could get away with some of the things you do. Thanks for being so bold.

Adiel said...

Okay, Fritz, I like this post and all, but you've got to post something else soon so that I'm not staring at these horrible pictures everytime I try to check your blog.
Just a suggestion :0)