Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Geek Post #1

Two things happened today, I set up my wireless network in my house so I am now typing this post wirelessly! Huzzah! Also, the new wireless Vonage router makes my phone calls sound much clearer on my end. Double Huzzah!

Second thing:

I am now downloading a patch for a little game I play called World of Warcraft. It was not announced that there would be a patch tonight and I found out from someone that this patch took an hour to download...yes, that is with broadband. The reason that this aggravates me so much is that if I had known that there would be an hour long patch download I could have started the download BEFORE I mowed my lawn and got the car filled up with fuel....let's see...yes indeed, that took about an HOUR!!!

Instead, I come home, tired from grass maiming and car refueling after working all day and now have to sit and wait for a patch to download. Furthermore, the patch is to patch the mistakes the created when they released their LAST patch.

The really dumb part about this is that suckers like me pay a monthly fee to play the about the game...and then, like a moth to a lamp (don't look at the light!!), get sucked back in.

Well, at least I get to fume while downloading the patch WIRELESSLY!!! Yay!!

*I'm pretty sure that this is far from being your first geek so outed yourself long being a geek that is.*

Update: I reached 70% completion before it stopped downloading, I let it run for another 15 minutes. Nothing. I searched around and found that Blizzard had pulled the patch and apologized for pushing it out during peak time. But you still wasted an hour of my life!!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

The TP Problem

I had some friends over to my house on Friday to play some games and whatnot, it was a good time but more importantly, I got the house all clean again. I vacuumed, picked up, hid junk in closets, the works.

But I ran into a problem, a toilet paper problem. The roll that was out was mostly used up. I didn't want someone to use the restroom and run out of paper at an inopportune moment. I also didn't want to have a spare roll of toilet paper sitting out in the open.... how tacky.

*And the curtains just were not going with the carpet...*

So what do. The simple solution would of course be to throw out the mostly used roll and put a new one out, but that is where my Jewish heritage rose up and would not allow me to throw out something useful. But having a mostly empty roll of toilet paper sitting in the open is infinitely more tacky than a new one.

Solution: I hid the almost empty roll in the bedroom until the guests had left.

*Let me apologize for having wasted 5 minutes of your life. Sorry, no refunds though.*

Thursday, June 22, 2006

More proof that people are morons

I go to the gym two or three times a week now. Get a good workout, play racquetball, etc. Anyway, in the parking lot for the gym, (you know the gym right? The place you go to get a workout, burn calories, get your heart pumping faster.), people will drive around the parking lot......looking for a parking spot closer to the entrance!!!

Idiots. They should be honored that they get to bask in my presence from time to time.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Jarhead - Welcome to the Whine

Jarhead supposedly is based on a true story. I say supposedly since I can't actually see a real Marine whining as much as this putz does in the movie. It starts off with the guy talking about how he is scarred from his experience of "holding a rifle. " And that you never foget it even when changing your child's diaper. Does this mean that every hunter or target range shooter is scarred for life as well?

My grandfather took me shooting when I was 10 or so. Does this explain how my life got so messed up? It wasn't my fault! I was scarred from holding a rifle!! Seriously, shut up already! The closest the author got to actual combat was being shot at with friendly fire. I don't recall the Band of Brothers survivors complaining about how they were "scarred" after Bastogne.

"How come I wasn't told that being in the Marines was hard?"

He is not a sypathetic figure. He shows no respect for his superiors unless it is forced from him, he gets drunk rather than stand guard duty, and just wants out.

I can't recommend this drek to anyone. The next time I want to listen to 2 straight hours of whining, I'll go hang out with a 4 year-old.


Monday, June 12, 2006

High Gas Prices

I am so sick and tired of paying these outrageous gas prices. The other day I saw that the price of gas near where I live had dropped, (DROPPED!!) to $2.85 per gallon. $2.85 per gallon! Those fat, rich oil companies keep getting greedier and greedier! It seems to me that making us hard-working Americans pay $2.85 per gallon of gas is virtually a crime against humanity!

A child in the Darfur region had his face bashed in, presumably with a rifle butt during a massacre in Hamada.

Let’s do some math here. If and average car gets 20 miles per gallon and drives 15,000 miles per year, you will use 750 gallons of fuel per year. Now, we were ok when gas was $2.00 per gallon, but let’s see what that .85 per gallon hike costs us!

Darfur Child Starving

$562.50! That is right, it costs us $562.50 per year! That is $46.88 per month! How do these bigwigs expect us to pay that! There are bleeding us dry! They are killing our retirement funds!

How are we supposed to go on living like this?

Another Darfur Child

It is time we stand up for ourselves! It is time we demand that the government protect us from the evils of high gas prices! This is the greatest crisis we have ever faced. And the politicians do nothing about it.

Time for action!

This man was castrated before he was shot in the head

If we send our politicians an email a day, maybe we will get through. Maybe we will move them to action to protect us from disaster. Please everyone, I beg of you, email your congressman, send letters to your senator…hurry, before it is too late.

My goodness we whine a lot.


Saying Yes

I wrote in a previous post regarding a co-worker whose brother was seriously injured in a car accident. I prayed for his recovery, yet I didn’t really feel like I believed that a miracle would happen. Deep inside I was pretty certain that he would not be healed.

It isn’t that I don’t believe that God can heal; I just seem to have problems believing that he will. I prayed for my mother to be healed, with a no answer, I prayed for a 2 year-old girl and she was taken. I begged for healing for a 16 year-old in my church and was denied. I started to believe that God would not act.

But one day, this young man suddenly woke up. He is home now and recovering. He still has tons of therapy to go through, but he is alive, able to talk, tie his shoes, walk, etc. A miracle did indeed happen. From the fireman at the scene of the accident stating, “the fact that these boys are alive is proof that there is a God.” To the doctors who didn’t seem to give much hope for survival, there is plenty of evidence that a miracle did indeed occur.

So the next time I am praying for healing for someone, there will indeed be just a little more pep in me because I know now that while sometimes, maybe even most times, God says no, there are those wonderful times when He says “yes.”