Let me just clear a few things here, firstly to Anonymous who posted:
"Just shut up...People are tired of hearing you Michael Vick apologists. He did it, he is a cruel sadistic animal, face it, live with it, and watch him go to jail--"
The reason I called him a "complete and utter fool" was due to the fact that he obviously didn't actually read the article I linked to. I'm not defending Michael Vick, what I am saying is that the punishment he receives for this crime is ridiculous when compared to the punishments for other crimes committed.
I am going to agree with Ms. Barb though in that comparing the Ray Lewis case and the Michael Vick case might not work out the best due to the circumstances.
But let's take a closer look at what occurred.
Michael Vick killed 8 dogs and caused many others to be abused. In the same time frame that he killed 8 dogs starting in 2002, in that same time period it is estimate by the CDC that far more than 5,000,000 babies were murdered.
When Michael Vick stands before God, next to an abortion doctor who most definitely hindered the children from coming to Jesus, I suspect that the wrath of God will be much more kindled against a man who slaughtered thousands of helpless children rather than a guy who killed 8 dogs.
Mike Tyson roams the streets a free man, he is in some comedy skits and he even tried a boxing comeback after being in jail for seven years. His crime? He raped a young woman. He destroyed her life and for that got seven years in jail and now is regarded as a clownish figure. It is hard for me to compare the rape of a woman and the killing of a dog and say that it makes sense that Tyson got seven years and the max Michael Vick could get is six years.
How did our priorities get so screwed up that the head of Enron is the devil to some people, meanwhile since 1990 more children have been murdered in the U.S. than Stalin and Hitler killed combined during their reigns of terror.
We let rapists walk the streets, child molesters given third and fourth chances, murdering "doctors" are hailed as heroes by some, yet let's all pile on Michael Vick who killed a dog.
Our culture is so messed up, we mock the Egyptians for worshiping cats as gods, yet what are we doing here? Are we not placing a higher value on the life of a dog than the life of a human? How messed up is it that killing a dog inhumanely brings jail time while killing a baby brings a paycheck?
One thing of hope to leave on, in 2 Chronicles God speaks to Solomon and says this:
"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
We don't need the anti-life abortion Nazis to repent for our land to be healed, merely the Church does. We can sway the direction of this country by rooting out sin in our own lives and demanding righteousness from our leaders. If we all focused more on God and less on ourselves maybe some of these issues plaguing and destroying this nation will be healed.
Or we could just keep going the way we are going and hope that God's wrath won't fall on us in our lifetime, kinda sucks for the children though...at least the ones who make it to birth.
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1 day ago
"I am saying is that the punishment he receives for this crime is ridiculous when compared to the punishments for other crimes committed."
I agree; Vick's crime is much worse, and the punishment should equal the crime.
Please read the indictment. The Feds are not taking Vick down for dogfighting per se. He plead GUILTY to charges that he funded and helped operate a large-scale, interstate, criminal enterprise for six years. If the Commonwealth of Virginia goes after Vick (as the prosecutor for Surry County promised is coming later this month), that will be the entity charging him with dogfighting and animal cruelty.
Vick's crime is worse that what?
Good post Fritz--I know you're an animal lover and so this means double to me for that.
May God bring about a day when the slaughter of helpless children ends in this land.
Great post. I agree with you with one exception - I'm not MS Barb, but MISS Barb.
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