Friday, July 20, 2007

New Wallpaper

Yep, this is indeed a post about the new wallpaper on my laptop, really. Normally I just grab something purty and peaceful and let it go, but this picture from is just fantastic.

Matt Mosher took the picture and posted it, I feel like I have a window to a beautiful lake. I wish I could jump through the monitor and go canoing like I used to at Lake Mattawamkeag.

In case you are curious, we used to camp in the southern section, in the middle cove I believe.

Don't forget to click the Satellite link to actually see the tiny islands.


Anonymous said...


I hate to break it to you but we used to camp on Mattawamkeag Lake, near Island Falls, southwest of Houlton.


Adiel said...

How can you possibly keep those weird names straight? And sometime I'd like to hear how to pronounce them!

Jonathan said...

Uhhhh.....oops :) It seemed the same lake to me :)

I'll edit the post then it will look like you have no idea what you are talking about.

Jonathan said...

Well, ok, I didn't think it was quite right, but I went through a list of Lakes in MAine and the was the closest. Then I went to Google Maps and saw it was near Houlton. I thought maybe I had mispronounced the name all these years and since it was some Indian name it could have been spelled wierd. Then the map of the islands seemed to click with me that one of those was PB&J island.

Looks like I was off by about 50 miles if you check the map :)