Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dearth of Stuff

I've been very busy at work, so busy that the normal irritants of life didn't drive me to write, rather it drove me to drink......

4 cases of Diet Dr. Pepper later I feel human again.

Last time I wrote a post regarding how I had nothing to write about, a whole flood of things came to me, so maybe that is what will happen, hopefully I will be able to insert gruesome pictures of dead people back into my blog as well.

I'm watching "Kingdom of Heaven" right now, in stages. It is a long movie and lends itself well to being watched over the course of a few days. I'm liking it right now. I believe many critics panned it, or just were not all that excited about it, but I am a sucker for movies about honorable people, trying to do what is right amidst moral decay, when even the "good guys" tell you that you will regret not "doing a little evil for the greater good."

I am especially a sucker for these movies when they are set in medieval times when the men acting knightly and honorably are actual Knights, with horses and stuff.

Anyway, I don't know if the ending flops, but so far it is worth it, for the political intrigue alone.

1 comment:

Adiel said...

It's good that you are able to confess that you have drinking problems. It always helps to talk to others about it. ;o)

I really wasn't impressed with Kingdom of Heaven so after you finish watching it I'd be interested to know what you thought.